Church of the Evangelists
99 Queen St. N.
Tottenham, ON L0G 1W0
Ways to Donate
Donations are kindly appreciated and go towards the church up keep and provide the church with more opportunities to give back and help the community.
Offering Envelopes.
Envelopes are at each pew. When you fill one out and put it in the plate your information is automatically saved and recorded for tax receipt purposes.
PAR (Pre-authorized Remittance)
Especially during this time of Covid 19, you are urged to consider using PAR to send your offering through automatic debit to your account. This can be a monthly or a weekly debit. This really helps the church by providing a regular income upon which it can budget and plan. In order to participate just download the PAR Form, fill it out and mail to Envelope Secretary, 99 Queen St., Tottenham, Ont. L0G 1W0
Log online or mobile banking app, select e-transfers option, select or add the recipient churchoftheevangelists.donation@gmail.com and indicate the amount of donation. You will be required to create a security question and answer, for the transfer. Once you have completed the transfer, email churchoftheevangelists.donation@gmail.com advising of the transfer and providing answer for the security question. Please note in your email if you would like your donation to go towards general funds or a special fund. If you don't have church envelope or PARS number, please provide complete name and address for tax receipt purposes.