Church of the Evangelists
99 Queen St. N.
Tottenham, ON L0G 1W0
The Very Revd. Dr. Gregory C. Gilson B.A., M.Div., D.Min. (Fr. Greg. Greg)
I was ordained in the Diocese of Huron in 1985 where I spent 19 years in various parishes beginning as a curate in Trinity Galt (Cambridge, Ontario) and finishing in the cluster Parish of Transfiguration in Kent County. I moved to northern British Columbia as the Archdeacon of Caledonia from 2004 until 2011 when I returned to Ontario to the Diocese of Moosonee as Dean of Moosonee and Rector of St. Matthew’s Cathedral (Timmins) until 2018 when I moved south to be closer to my parents and became Rector of St. John’s Cookstown and St. Peter’s Churchill, until retirement in June of 2024.
I received my B.A. in Social Development Studies from Waterloo University, my M.Div. degree from Huron College, Western University, and in 2003 I received my D.Min. from Ashland University.
During my time in Orders I served on the National Youth Unit of COGS. I sat on the National Faith Worship and Ministry Committee. During this time we, as the Canadian Province of the Anglican Communion, debated and acted upon Same Sex Marriage. At that time Faith Worship and Ministry also participated in the global discussions on membership in the worldwide Anglican Communion and how we as a church universal could move forward, as we supported and maintained membership therein.
I served as the secretary for the Western Provincial Synod during my term in Caledonia. Over 38 years I have also served on Diocesan Executive, Canon Law, and Property, and Finance committees, Clerical Discipline, and as Regional Dean.
It is my great privilege and joy to come and serve as an interim rector in Tottenham,
Thank you.
Fr. Greg